Hush. Hush.
What almost seems appropriate is that there would be no words here. I know that you couldn't know what my heart would be saying by there...
Glory powder keg.
"The good which our dear God has in store for His saints in His holy dwelling- there is not, after tracing its secrets, anyone who can...
Our lives have lots of sections to it. Weekday, weekend. School year, summer. Summer, fall, winter, spring. First semester, second...
Backside of the Mountain.
Bow. Battle. Over. Worship. I notice that there has been battle over worship in my life. Pay attention to that. There is a battle to hold...
Hands up.
This picture is so intimate for my heart today that I almost chose not to use it, but it definitely belongs here. This is moments after...
Beacon Hall.
Place matters. A place where he encountered a burning bush. A harvest field where she met a kinsman redeemer. A road where he heard the...
Breathe. (Long pause) I have been looking towards this specific morning for a while now. It seems a long time ago that I struck keys and...
Between the dreaming and the coming true. (My favorite book title. By Robert Benson.) As I walk my life steps, I wonder, aware and...
Sun Stopped Shining.
Thoughts from Luke 23:44-49. It was now about the sixth hour, and darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour, for the sun...
Named Pioneer.
"Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about." As my family winds down their...