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Glory powder keg.

"The good which our dear God has in store for His saints in His holy dwelling- there is not, after tracing its secrets, anyone who can relate a hundredth part of it." (Irish poetry from the 10th century). My friend TM included this quote in one of his thousands of nourishing posts over the years, this one from about two years ago.

I've had this idea that I've shared with Lea many times. It's actually so hard to really put it adequately into words because it has to do with how glorious God is. If there was a way to attach individual tracking via color, code or some characteristic for every human being ever, every animal and plant ever, every good and perfect gift ever, everything ever from the hand of our everlasting Father and trace it's definite impact throughout all of history past, present and future, I think it would be stunning to see the collective impact of the glory of God. That is a mouth full. We live in a world full of strength, power, aggressive money expansion and we live as a people bent towards being efficient and successful. It's not even a faint flicker compared to the expansive, aggressive, intimate, consuming glory of God. Are you kidding me? We get to be connected into this? This glory. This expansive glorious wave! I love that phrase...."tracing its secrets". The rabbit trail that we never return from. We are swallowed up in its glory and we want it.

The Word of God doesn't hint at this. It declares it clearly.

"What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him." (Bible book of First Corinthians, chapter 2, verse 9)

"And to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within Him be the glory." (Bible book of Ephesians, chapter 3, verses 19 and 20)

This tracing the "glory secrets" happens because of the power at work within us. We are part of the powder keg of glory. I think it's easy to think it's always somewhere else, always something else, always someone else and not me, not you. But when you're in Christ, you're in the glory powder keg. And the Words of God are clearly telling us that the glory powder keg is for His glory. HGA. His Glory Alone. And He invites us in as the fuse sparkles.

I've gone on record with my family that a fear that I have is being in really, really deep water with no land around in the pitch dark. Nope. Don't like it. The tallest tall on the earth is Everest. 29,029 feet tall. The lowest low is Mariana Trench in the Pacific. How deep is it? If you turn Everest upside down and put it into Mariana Trench, there would still be a mile remaining up to the surface of Pacific water. In other words. Deep, really deep. But nowhere deep enough, nowhere full enough to swallow up His glory. And we are able to be full with all the fullness of God. I can't get over it. It's so big.

So this is the deal that my heart can't quite convey this morning. If you are in Christ, today, this very moment, you are living in the powder keg of His glory and you'll never consume all of His power as you trace its secrets out. It will continually consume you. And you want it. And I want it. And there is awe and reverence and butterflies in our heart stomach all the while that we're hungry for more.

Glory powder keg. Ahhhh, even just to relate a hundredth part of it.

There's more.

    © 2016.BuyTheField. 

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