You conquer.
Saul, on the road to Damascus. As I have savored this story over the last 10 days, actually over my adult life really, I have been aware...
Our early family in the bible book of Acts is showing us about the guts of following Jesus. There have been great outpourings of power...
Keep digging. Yep. Keep digging. Kind of tired of digging. Keep digging. Get to. Not have to. Keep digging. Soul soil is endless. Keep...
Lea and I are sorting through Story Cottage during this Spring Break. Trey is at the beach with friends. Lea and I are going from spot to...
Ilsun and Inhye.
Their names are really important to me. A little over five years ago, I didn't know who these two people were. I wouldn't have known how...
Story Cottage.
My friend Ginny said this on Monday night. It's a quote by Robert Benson. "A journey across holy ground must not be rushed." Story...
Well. My heart is tender. I've got my soaking worship music playing. I'm looking out the window from the translation room at KCK, where...
The glory of His name.
Today, with great joy I want to bequeath to you the words of one of my mentors Dave Busby as he wanders through the story of David and...
February 5, 1976. Our countries bicentennial celebration year. Celebrating 200 years of independence from the motherland. One month from...
He longs.
I've been roaming around in the bible book of Isaiah, chapter 30, verses 9 to 18 if you want to do your own roaming. You won't be...