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Ilsun and Inhye.

Their names are really important to me. A little over five years ago, I didn't know who these two people were. I wouldn't have known how to say their names. I know how to say them now. And when I say these names, it is really intimate to me. It affects me. They are my friends.

I have been thinking about writing this for a week. Last Wednesday night, Ilsun Kim applied the ashes to my forehead while I wept. Lea sat by InHye with her arm around her in our Lenten service. And I heard the Spirit whisper that buythefield today would be words about these two beautiful, needy friends. I've been thinking about how I could try to fully convey the landscape of my heart as I write about these two hearts. About the only thing that I can come up with to try to "show" that to you here in these words would be to ask you to stop reading after this sentence and just be quiet for 3 or 4 hours, doing nothing else but being quiet, and then reading on.

I am quieted by His love. In one translation of the bible book of Zephaniah, chapter three, verse 17 are these words. "He will quiet you with His love." That is what is quietly screaming in my soul as I write these words today, as I've been writing these words in my heart for the last week. Being friends with Ilsun Kim and InHye Park is one of the most humbling gifts of my life. My heart is quiet as I consider my friendship with them.

Things I can say about them?

They have welcomed my American family to the Korean Church of Knoxville profusely.

They pray for my wife and children and grannie by name regularly.

They mourn when I mourn.

They rejoice when I rejoice.

They passionately teach the Word of God to young and old.

They love their daughter deeply.

They have received my confession of sin with strength and forgiveness.

They have taught me about the world graciously.

They have trusted us to be their friends.

They have quietly prayed for and supported us in this transition time.

They have grieved the disappointments of ministry with us.

They have celebrated the joys of daily living with us.

They have endured persecution humbly and honored Christ winsomely.

Real persecution. From outside the church and inside the church. A lot.

They wouldn't broadcast that out. I'm just telling the truth.

And there are things that I won't write here. Things that I will just treasure up in my heart. Things that they may never even know have affected my heart.

One of the things that has impacted me the most?

Their hunger for God in the midst of persecution.

I have never seen it quite so up close and personal. They love Jesus whether they are persecuted or not. They love Jesus whether they are understood or not. They love Jesus whether they are valued or not. Watching this has been so intimate and forming in my life. I have literally been watching them "live out their faith" in Jesus Christ. It's real.

These are beautiful hearts.

I want you to get to know them.

These are needy hearts.

I want you to get to learn from them.

These are "beat up" hearts.

I want you to savor the gospel with them.

These are hungry hearts.

Hearts that, more than anything else, are hungry for Jesus.

I've seen it. And I'm different now.

There's more.

    © 2016.BuyTheField. 

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