Land of Word.
23 days. Friday, March 23 to Saturday, April 14. These 23 days have changed me. My heart is delighted, dazed and delicate as I touch...
Psalm 143.
The Call of God in the crush of Living (Psalm 143). Crying for mercy seems like one of the most opposite realities of what the world...
Taylor got married this weekend! His wife is Ashley. Trent is getting married in two weekends! His fiancé is Meg. This is a tender and...
Inside Look Continued....
Last week we paused at the moment when Peter hears the rooster crow and it waves over him that what Jesus told him had come true. Jesus...
Inside Look.
Facing our own hearts is really hard. It's probably the hardest thing I've ever done. There are plenty of things to stay busy with that...
Intimate Hangout.
God's Word is amazing. It is a love story like no other. God has been wooing me in the bible book of John, chapter 18, verses 1-11. We...
In a couple of days Lea and I will both be 50. Lea turned 50 about 4 months ago. I catch up in a few days. The picture above was on our...
Garden Friend.
This is my friend Dave Busby. He has been one of the mentors that God kindly placed in my life. His teaching and life have impacted my...
Hints of heaven.
On this Ash Wednesday, I am stunned with gratitude for the people that God has surrounded me with in my family. In 38 and 59 days our two...
Heart stirrings.
Some heart stirrings wandering through my heart in the last days. No explanations, just declarations. The following are words from the...