You're not bothering me.
We continue to journey in good news stories in the bible book of Mark this week. We arrive a story about two girls who need to be healed...
God chose who to be on His team?
This will be our third and final week of some thoughts about a man in the bible book of Mark chapter 5 that is described as having an...
Demon Possessed Guy and a BarBQue?
Last week, we left off talking about a man that was described as having an evil spirit from the bible book of Mark chapter 5. How did he...
Man of the tombs.
In the bible book of Mark chapter 5 there is a strong story about a man who lives in the tombs. He is literally a cemetery dweller. Kind...
Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
Today is a bit of a break from my regular format:) On the weekend of September 9-11, the BASIC community and friends will head an hour...
Stormy Living.
I like to separate the ideas of Jesus and storms. I like to keep them in their own box and not intermingle them. I think I like to try to...
Shut up!
There is a man named John in the Bible. His life has been marked by encounter with God and he cannot help but talk about Him. God has...
Normal Extravagant Worship
The words normal and extravagant don't necessarily seem like they go together. I like putting them together. They seem to beautifully...
People Patterns.
It has been really valuable for my heart to be writing these words each week throughout the summer. This is our 12th visit together which...
Healing friendship
This past weekend, my son Trey was involved in presenting a musical called Big River that he and a cast and crew have been preparing for...