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People Patterns.

It has been really valuable for my heart to be writing these words each week throughout the summer. This is our 12th visit together which means school is almost back! We have been hanging out in stories about Jesus and His life and what He is like and how His life impacts us. It does, thanks be to God! His life does impact us! That is a strong gift whether we acknowledge it or not. Let's acknowledge it together rather than being stiff necked or lazy about telling Him thank you! Do that while you can!

Viewing these stories about Jesus's life week after week gives the unique opportunity to see some patterns. Today I am specifically thinking about People Patterns that we observe in these stories that we are digesting. In recent weeks it has been stories about a paralyzed man, a man with leprosy, a prostitute, a prominent teacher.

I was struck this week as I prepared to share from the bible book of Matthew chapter 5 verses 1 through 12. These verses give a vision and picture of what a Jesus follower looks like by actually telling us what Jesus looks like. I don't mean like, "tall, dark and handsome", but what the heart and character of Jesus looks like which is ultimately what He wants you and I to look like. And again, that's amazing to even be able to say or think about. We were originally created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27) and though sin has tainted that image terribly, Jesus is re-creating us as men and women who look like Him. We are being conformed to the image of Jesus (Romans 8:29). We are being made into Little "Christ's"! That is so hopeful and truly amazing.

Here is where my heart has landed for this particular week. It's the people patterns that I mentioned. In that story from Matthew chapter 5 verses 1 through 12, it says that a crowd of people gathered to see Him and hear Him and as I began to look at it, I wondered, "What was this crowd like? Who were they?" Kind of cool. If you turn back into the chapter before where this story is, we actually get the answer to that question. It is in that same bible book of Matthew chapter 4 verses 23-25. This is who made up this crowd that came to hear some of Jesus' most special teaching. Is it going to be the elite, very important people of the day? Here they are....people who were "ill with various diseases, those suffering severe pain, the demon possessed, those having seizures, and the paralyzed." Wow. The very important people were the VERY NEEDY PEOPLE. Needy...body, mind and heart. It's all covered. This is who Jesus healed and taught. This is who He gave a vision of what they can be because of Him.

And you. And me. We are the needy of today. Needy in body. Needy in mind. Needy in heart. And Jesus is healing us and teaching us and making us into little Christs'.

Our big brother is amazing. Don't stay away from Him because you think you're TOO NEEDY! No! Draw near to Him! He loves your type!

There's more.

    © 2016.BuyTheField. 

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