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Reviewing BuyTheField

As I move towards a sabbath pause in weekly writing of BuyTheField, I am enjoying a remembering walk down BTF lane. It has been really special to revisit different posts from the last 6 years of writing. I am particularly drawn to sharing this post again because it contains the most consistent words that I have written for each of these 295 posts.

There's More.

(originally written May 23, 2018)

Every other Wednesday I meet my friend BZ at Chicfila for breakfast and friendship. When we walk in, we see our friend Al who works there. He calls us by name as we walk up and I usually say, "Mornin' Al!" Most Thursday's I have breakfast with my son Trey at the same Chicfila and the same routine happens with Al. I like it. I like being in a place long enough that things can be repeated over and over again. It's not stale. It's joyful. It's really simple. Something seemingly that you could overlook. But in it's simplest form it represents a noticing of one another that allows you to be welcomed into it. When I see Al, I feel welcomed. My sense is not that he is thinking, "What are you here for you idiot?" My sense is that it literally is Al's pleasure (Chicfila pun intended) to welcome me and my friend, me and my son into his space.

There's more.

I have been writing BuyTheField for two years. I began in May of 2016. "I like being in a place long enough that things can be repeated over and over again." I have closed each BuyTheField with these two words for two years: "There's more." I didn't intend after I wrote those two words on the first time in May of 2016 that I would close each BTF that way, but the next week and the next week and the next week, those words were present in me again and again. And as time went by, they seemed and seem to really be important words for my heart. Not just a byline.

I spent some time this morning actually thinking about where these words were actually born in me. There's more. And I know where it is. One of my mentors, Dave Busby, shares about how wonderful God is. He says in describing how great and powerful and good God is that behind every door with God there are always billions of other doors. Open one door, there's billions of doors behind it. Behind each of those billions of doors, there's billions of doors. That is a multiplicity of billions. As Dave taught me over the years, he would often say something like, "I know you have probably heard some of these things before as a follower of Christ, but I don't care, I don't care. We need to hear them again, because behind every door with God, there are billions of other doors." And then he would say, "There's more. There is always more with God."

There is.

There's more.

There is always more with God.

This will be BuyTheField #105. I haven't fully realized it but for these 105 weeks, that 's really what I have needed to hear in my heart. There's always more with God. I need to hear it again today. So stay tuned for the end of this post!

So why am I thinking about this today? This past Sunday I closed out 2 years of teaching through the life of Jesus from His biographies in the bible books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. And in the bible book of John, chapter 21 and verse 25 it says, "Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written."


There's more.

A world full of books about the life of Jesus because of the abundance of the life of Jesus. I love this thought.

I wish I could gather all of us together right now, while we're all reading BTF, and look at all of our faces, into all of our eyes, all huddled close together and say this.....what will it be like in the new heaven and the new earth, when Jesus gathers a group of us together and looks at all of our faces, into all of our eyes, all huddled close together and Jesus Himself says, "Hey, here's a story you haven't heard I saw this woman and her son....."

Linger in the thought.

Mornin' Jesus.

Wait for it.......

There's more.


    © 2016.BuyTheField. 

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