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Remembering Revival Words 2

I am continuing to remind myself of words that have stirred in me about revival over the last 5 years from BuyTheField.

No Human Prompting.

originally penned September 4, 2019

My friend TM Moore has invested many stirring words into my life. I am a wealthy man as I consider the women and men who have invested in my spiritual nourishment over the years of my life. I have been reading and re-reading and re-reading 79 daily writings that TM crafted between December of 2017 and March of 2018. Over those four months, he wrote daily about revival. TM is one of the most consistent voices on revival that I have encountered. He has remained consistent to call me and others to call on the name of the Lord for personal, church and epochs of time and place revival. It has affected me. I’m still reading.

Prompted by one of those 79 readings this past week, I was lingering in the Bible book of Psalms, chapter 80, verse 3. “O God, restore us and cause Your face to shine upon us and we will be saved.” And I stayed there. Cause Your face to shine on us. I spent time pondering God causing His face to shine on us and there being no human prompting or reason why He would. He doesn’t have to. He doesn’t need to. He isn’t forced to. He isn’t contractually obligated to. Why would He? It’s His nature. And His nature isn’t programmable. His nature isn’t obligatory. His nature IS.

I sat just reveling in awe that God would ever “cause His face to shine on us”. On me. For no reason prompted by anything human, oh that His face would shine. Revive and restore. I want it. I need it . I’m hungry for it. These are words that I sat with as I marveled that God can. That He ever would. That He has.

Cause Your face to shine.

All of a sudden

With no human prompting

You break in

Because You are glorious

To me

Because You, I AM.


Nothing prompts You.

You act.

Your glory.

Nothing previous.

Nothing to come.

You are glorious now. And now.


You actually don’t break in

Though to me it seems.

You ARE glorious.

That is enough.

You are enough.

That is the expansive reason.

No reason necessary.

Your glory.

That is enough.

You are enough.

Break into me

Though You already are, I AM.

Glorious You

And me.

Bask in shining Face.

O God, restore us and cause Your face to shine upon us and we will be saved.

There’s more.


    © 2016.BuyTheField. 

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