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Larger Story 9

The Larger Story.

I am so thankful that there is a story larger than just what is happening in our country today. I am so thankful that there is a story larger than just what is happening in my heart today. I am so thankful that there is a story larger than just the world that our granddaughter Emma is growing up in.

God. Thank you that there is a larger story than all that we can see.

What can you remember? Look at it in a little different format today. Just the questions first by themselves. Let your mind and heart piece words together as you look at each of the seven questions that my friends Buddy and Larry invested in me. Are there ways you would answer these questions with your own words and not theirs? Roam around for a minute. Pause in a few if you choose to.

1.Who is God?

2.What's He up to?

3.Who are we?

4.What's gone wrong?

5.How did God remedy the problem?

6.What's the Spirit doing now?

7.How do we join Him?

Are you drawn to any particular question for some reason? Why do you think you are? Pay attention to that. Are there particular words or one particular word that you are aware is impacting you?

Now here this larger story narrative like this.....

God is a perfectly happy community of 3 Persons whose nature is holiness and way of relating is love. He is glorifying Himself by beautifying us. We are gender unique image-bearers of God who gave away the capacity to desire, know, love and enjoy God. This disconnect is the deepest source of all that is wrong. Amazingly, He implemented a new Covenant and gives us a new Start (forgiveness), a new Heart (real life), a new Identity (adoption) and a new Power (the Holy Spirit) through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He is now making us into "little Christs" through detaching us from second things and attaching us to His first things. He invites us to participate in the community of the Trinity and to relate out of that community in our community.

Whether these words fall on numb, dull heart ears in me or lively, invigorated heart ears in me, this is still THE greatest plot ever. The greatest technological, best tasting, power dripping, most passionate sexual, highest quality, grandest idea of anything, everything, and anyone, always for all of history, past, present and future...keeps paling in comparison to the gloriously expansive story of God.


Declarations of desire.

I want the relational heritage of the Trinity.

I want the beauty and strength that He can form in me.

I want the new Start, new Heart, new Identity, and new Power alive in me.

I want to be Jesus' little brother.

I want to participate with God for the life of the world.

I want that with you.

Larger story. Do you need one today? Do you want one today?

Larger story in the chaos of the external world.

Larger story in the chaos of our internal worlds.

Frolic around in this story of real life.

He's the all time,



Champion of love.

1.Who is God?

A perfectly happy community of 3 Persons whose nature is holiness and way of relating is love.

2. What's He up to?

Glorifying Himself by beautifying us.

3. Who are we?

Gender unique image-bearers of God who....

4.What's gone wrong?

...gave away the capacity to desire, know, love and enjoy God. This disconnect is the deepest source of all that is wrong.

5.How did God remedy the problem?

He implemented a New Covenant by giving us a new Start (forgiveness), a new Heart (real life), a new Identity (adoption) and a new Power (the Holy Spirit) through the death and resurrection of Jesus.

6.What's the Spirit doing now?

Making us into "little Christs" through detaching us from second things and attaching us to first things.

7.How do we join Him?

He invites us to participate in the community of the Trinity and to relate out of that community in our community.

There's more.


    © 2016.BuyTheField. 

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