Larger Story 5
1.Who is God?
A perfectly happy community of 3 Persons whose nature is holiness and way of relating is love.
2. What's He up to?
Glorifying Himself by beautifying us.
3. Who are we?
Gender unique image-bearers of God who....
4.What's gone wrong?
...gave away the capacity to desire, know, love and enjoy God. This disconnect is the deepest source of all that is wrong.
Out of the beautiful, lush relating of the Trinity we were born. Basking in garden richness forever and ever and never thinking otherwise because there was no context for "otherwise" until.....
slither lips.
Evil is slithering on the scene.
LIVE man. LIVE woman.
Evil backwards. Evil in reverse. Evil letters backward?
Such a slithery, thorny, smooth, criminal.
Criminal Angel.
Aren't we all?
Listen to him speak the word "true" murkily
chosen already by him to be forbidden for him
a mockery on his slither lips.
The LIVEing encountered EVIL.
Worth Grieving
by God
and we.
is real
in that garden and this
that day and this
them and me and we.
Worth considering the weight of
but from the same mocking lips
the words already hint of overcoming.
Fruit. Trees. Garden.
LIVE had already been a thing.
Can it return?
1.Who is God?
A perfectly happy community of 3 Persons whose nature is holiness and way of relating is love.
2. What's He up to?
Glorifying Himself by beautifying us.
3. Who are we?
Gender unique image-bearers of God who....
4.What's gone wrong?
...gave away the capacity to desire, know, love and enjoy God. This disconnect is the deepest source of all that is wrong.
There's more.