Larger Story 4
1.Who is God?
A perfectly happy community of 3 Persons whose nature is holiness and way of relating is love.
2.What's He up to?
Glorifying Himself by beautifying us.
3.Who are we?
Gender unique image-bearers of God who....
We have had the joy of spending time around our children and granddaughter over the last several weeks as the season of Advent has commenced.
-conversations by a fire
-a family football game
-Thanksgiving traditions living on
-Catchphrase, Sushi Go and Ticket to Ride
-anticipating a move for our son and his wife to Brooklyn
-celebrating a birthday
-an online Advent Retreat for women emanating from Beacon Hall
And Emma.
As we waited over the months with our son and his wife for their first child to be born, we wondered whether the baby would be a boy or a girl. Baby's mom and dad decided to let us all be surprised upon birth if it was baby boy or baby girl. Or so we thought. With a family of 3 boys in the Kelly Grove for Lea and I, there was a subtle, steady sense that it would be baby boy. It made sense. It's all we have known in our little flock. Boys.
Just about a year ago, Christmas morning 2019, we were all gathered in the living room at Beacon Hall. All together. Such savored moments. We were winding through the particular way that we open gifts as a family. Lea picked up a gift that was to both of us. Our oldest told us that we could open it together. He said it very calmly. Nothing over-hyped. Upon picking the gift up, it seemed like a book. Lea removed the paper and held a gold and crimson book in her hands. She opened the front cover and began to read words written by our oldest on the opening page. As she read, her hands dropped downward and her head collapsed into her chest and she began to weep deeply. She couldn't utter a word. She literally couldn't talk. My eyes widened. Our other children urged me to take the book and continue reading out loud. And hurry up already! As I began to read our son's words inscribed on the page, I began to weep as well. Among his dear words were these....
"Emerson Marie Kelly"
Baby GIRL!!!!!!!!
The memory of that moment is so strong, so sweet, so stirring. The title of the book was "Emma."
God created Emma female.
I had the honor of spending a lot of time with Emma last week. It was so dear for me. It affects my heart. I looked at her. I kissed her. I listened to her. I smelled her. I played with her. I sang to her. I talked to her. I prayed over her. I studied her. I marveled at her. She is a wonder.
The perfectly content community of 3 Persons brings us into the larger story with desire. Not a have to. A choose to. This is worth some kind of scream or groan or something. We could write, think or talk about this reality for hours and hours. They chose us. Let it land on you. Stay in that thought if you will. Bible book of Genesis, chapter 1, verse 27. "So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them."
In the image of God He created him.
Intrinsically stamped with the glory of God.
Male and female He created them.
Not all the same. Specific. Unique.
I'll stay focussed on the wonder of Emma with these thoughts.
When God created Emma, He meant something specific.
She is an image bearer of God. She is specifically female. She is specifically Emma. Emma uniquely reflects the character of God like no one or nothing else. It is so specific. So intentional. So on purpose.
And God chose to do it. That's first. God is previous in Emma's life. She didn't choose life. She was created and stamped with the glory of God.
And it impacts me. What a wonder. A rhythm and design originated in the perfectly happy community of God that has impact in my life. That is so kind. They didn't have to. The specificity of Emma affects me. That means the stamp of the glory of God in Emma affects me. That means that God is impacting me.
Larger Story.
I'm not making this up. Follow this trail. Slow to ponder this today. Let it be specific for you....
When God created Drew, Rachel, Ginny, Jeremy, IlSun, Daniel, Hannah, Trey, Willie, Molly....
He meant something specific.
And it impacts me. Impacts us.
Very specific.
1.Who is God?
A perfectly happy community of 3 Persons whose nature is holiness and way of relating is love.
2.What's He up to?
Glorifying Himself by beautifying us.
3.Who are we?
Gender unique image-bearers of God who....
There's more.