Something is happening on the inside.
Am I growing? How am I growing? How does it happen? I am finding it helpful to slow in my thinking time to think about things that we just kind of expect to happen. I am not feeling any compulsion that there is a need to explain the supernatural. That seems almost impossible. But I am sensing that there is a value in giving some mind space to thinking about whether this is really happening or not. And is there any awareness of how this happens, even though explanations will surely fall short on the earth. I think this weekly exercise is worth that alone. Keep wondering. Keep digging.
Damon. Fill your mind with these thoughts.
If you are in Christ, your relational heritage is the relating of the Trinity. The Trinity. No, I can't explain it. Yes, it is highly confusing. Yes, I believe THEY are ONE. Yes, I believe they are more powerful than me, my unbelief, my sin, my numbness, my rebellion, my arrogance, my ignorance, my power. Our relational legacy is bigger than us. Phewwww. That is a relief. Just look around and you'll know what I mean. Just look inside and you'll know what I mean. It is indeed a relief that our relational legacy is bigger than us. God draws us into relationship with Him. He puts His Spirit in us as His children. Now that the Spirit of God is in us, He teaches us the things that we need to grow and will remind us of the things that Jesus has taught us all along the way.
How does that actually happen. I don't really know, but we look to the word to mine for what it is teaching us.
Bible book of John. Chapter 5. Verses 19 and 20.
"The Son (Jesus) can do nothing by Himself. He can do only what He sees His Father doing." There is relationship. (Keep thinking relational heritage). There is intimacy, not distance. There isn't bitterness, angst, and hatred for one another. The Father and Son have relationship that is healthy. Don't you want to know this about your God? Does what the relationship between the Father and the Son is like impact you?
"The Father loves the Son and shows Him all He does. Yes, to your amazement He will show Him even greater things than these." All of the Father is available to Jesus. The treasure trove of the Father is the treasure trove of the Son.
Go to another spot in the Bible book of John. Chapter 16. Verses 12-14.
"When the Spirit of truth comes He will guide you (us) into all truth. He will not speak on His own. He will speak only what He hears and He will tell you what is yet to come." Relational heritage. There is listening and submission to one another within the Trinity. They are together. They are not competing against each other.
Ok. Check this out. Am I growing? How am I growing? How does it happen? "He (the Spirit) will bring glory to Me (Jesus)....."
Just think of all the ways that would make sense about how to finish this thought. The Spirit and the Son are together in the relational heritage that is their very being. They are not competing. They are listening and submitting, Father, Son and Spirit. The Spirit will bring glory to Jesus by... honoring the sacrifice of the Son in obedience to the Father, by... honoring the Son in His power to forgive sins, by... honoring the Son in His compassion unto death. Of course, all of those things. And more. But in this particular spot it is, "He (the Spirit) will bring glory to Me (Jesus)... by taking from what is mine and making it know to you."
You! You're in the heritage now. Wallow for a moment. Take some time to think about these things.
All of the Father is available to Jesus. The treasure trove of the Father is the treasure trove of the Son. The Spirit glorifies the Son by bringing the treasure trove of the Father and the Son and making it the treasure trove of..... you. Me. Us. Those in Christ. This is your relational heritage in God. Scream out loud again if you need to. How can this be?
Am I growing? How am I growing? How does it happen? I can't fully explain it or take it in, but the word of the Lord is teaching us.
Something is happening on the inside.
There's more.