Enjoying You.
My mind is drawn to 4828 Carousel Drive in Charlotte where I grew up. It was the home where I remember relationship with You beginning.
I can clearly see the backyard swing set in my mind. Dark, worn green. Worn from being well used. I swung alot on and off during my growing up years. I can feel that feeling of “pull” to gain momentum and go high. Really high. As I got older I can remember working up the courage to launch out of the swing to fly through the air and try to land on my feet.
Certainly, jumps from very slow swinging at first. But then growing in height and speed and daring launches, many landing and rolling onto my back and tumbling to a stop because of the power and force. So fun. Toughskin jeans were handy. The ones with the reinforced knees.
I picture You entering my back yard down near the parallel tree branch from the weird pine tree. It’s the opposite end from the swing set. I can envision myself swinging and becoming aware of You at the other end of the yard. I simply see myself increasing the pull in the swing to go higher and faster. I’m smiling, enjoying You. That’s what I am aware of. I enjoy that You’re there. That simple. That rich. That tangible, there in an earth yard that You created. Enjoying You.
I’m smiling.
You’re smiling.
A big smile.
You’re enjoying me.
I keep swinging because of that powerful fact. I keep swinging because I know that You’re enjoying being there with me. That’s why You came to my backyard. So I savor and enjoy doing something that I like because I know You can see me doing it.
You hang by the crooked pine tree that you made....interesting.... for a few swings and then, You relaxingly begin to walk through the middle of the backyard. Slow, smile. You utter a “whoa, high” “whoa, higher.” “Man that’s high.” “Go Damon Go.” “I love it,” You say.
And then, I rare back, one last angled pull low on the chains of the swing and I launch. I’m flying through the air. I’m watching You watch me. I love it. I land in a collapsing roll which I like alot. I roll out of the roll and bounce back up and bound towards You. You’re closer now and Your arms simply open up in the most familiar, "I'm home" welcome I could ever imagine, the welcome I imagine and long for in every relating with another person. The knowing beyond a shadow of doubt that this person wants to be with you because they love you purely. Not over hyped. Utterly deep from forever, no start, no end. Always that way. Never not.
Hand slap. Right hands grasp. Grasp not let go by You. Pull me close. Embrace. "It’s so good to see you D. You were up man. You were really up."
Embrace lightens. Hand loosens. I loop around behind You and launch onto Your back, piggy back. Arms around Your broad shoulders and chest, holding on tight.
You start walking us toward the swing set.
I’m smiling while I can’t see Your face.
There's more.