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My friend Buddy is a poet who really likes poetry. His life is being spent as a poet. He has slowly been investing his words in me over years. He has urged me to live life as a poet. Not just something about me. He would urge you the same way. Live as a poet, not a skeptic. Live as a poet, not slick. Live as a poet, not a condemner. Live as a poet, not an ache concealer. Live as a poet, not a smug, bitter heart. Live as a poet, not a pawn. Only the Christ life in you and me can grow that word life lived out.

Some of Buddy's words from about six weeks ago.

Because. God. Wins.

It is love He wins with.

Love He will greet us with.

Love that will overcome our clinch-fisted-ness.

Love that He is.

Love that I ain't.

Love that beats out truth.

Love that beats out justice.

Love that beats out intellect.

Love that beats out purity.

Love that beats out faith.

Love that even beats out hope.

Within the celebration of Christmas in 2014, I received a book from my son called "The Story: Recapture the Mystery" by Steven James. He told me that it was an obscure book that he got for me "on a hunch". As I thumbed through it, I was aware of stories moving from creation to the cross. I sensed an invitation to consider using the book as a resource for my soul care during the Lenten season of 2015.

I set aside a morning to plan the dates for my readings based on the dates of Lent. I picked one story that would be the fulcrum story which determined what I would read before Holy Week during Lent and what I would read after Holy Week. As I traced back from my "fulcrum" reading, I was so aware of the Spirit's invitation to this as I realized that it traced back to the first reading in the book happening, literally on Ash Wednesday, the start of the Lenten season.

As I began my readings, I chose two day chunks to soak in the Scripture and then read the narrative by Steven James. As this started, I sensed the Spirit nudging me to write. Write my heart. Write poetry. Risky. Life giving. And so I did. The words coming in the next weeks are the intimate words that I shared with Trinity during the Lenten season of 2015. I have been prompted in the last couple of weeks to bring them to BuyTheField in these weeks.

Beginning with.....


Genesis 1:1-4.

Creator God


Create in me.

Create out of total emptiness.

My empty.

Dark fog drapes over the deep.

My deep.

Ahhh, but Your Spirit wind hovers over my empty.

Voice of God.


Voice vision of God speaks visions.

Beauty, goodness.

There's more.


    © 2016.BuyTheField. 

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