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Thank You.

Imagine that what you and I clearly know as a canned good of some sort....chili, corn, green beans...was completely unknown to us. It is set on the table in front of us. We have no context for what it is. We've never seen it before. We absolutely have no clue what it is, what you do with it, why it's there. Kind of weird, I know. But let's stay in it just to think together today. Because we know nothing about it, we are unaware of the potential goodness and nourishment that is inside. Because we have no context, we don't even necessarily know that there is an inside to look at and explore, that what's inside could be a reality of nourishment, help and gift.

Ahhh, but the can opener. The can by itself with no context for what it holds, what the value of it is, how it might contribute to us might even be seen as cruel. Kind of a trick. But the can opener is kindness. The potential, cruel trick of something being offered with no context of how to approach it, know about it, or access it is radically altered with a way to approach it, know about it, access it. The can opener is a kindness.

Each of the following words comes from different places in the Bible. Each a gracious, kind can opener.

-For it is better, if God should will it so, that you suffer for doing what is right rather than for doing what is wrong.

-I, John, your brother and fellow partaker in the tribulation and kingdom and perseverance which are in Jesus, was on the island called Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus.

-Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.

-Others, like seed sown on rocky places, hear the word and at once receive it with joy. But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away.

-He must increase, but I must decrease.

-And He (Jesus) was saying to them all, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me.

This is my simple thought on this first day of July of 2020 in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, with hints of other disease simmering with swine in the Far East, amid stirred unrest due to murder and brutality of fellow image bearers....

God is compassionate and kind to teach us, tell us, train us through His words to us that it will be hard.

This day. Our days. Trinity doesn't desire us into creation and then mock us with a sadistic, "Suckers...look at 'em flail around in the hardness. Great cosmic entertainment." Enter this thought today dear heart. Don't rush away from it. He is kind to you. He is compassionate to me. He teaches us. He tells us. He trains us. He offers us the can opener of teaching, telling and training.

There will be suffering.

We are called to persevere in tribulation.

As we love Jesus, we will be persecuted.

Trouble and persecution will come because of the Word.

Us decreasing is painful.

Denying ourselves daily hints at the cross.

I sat with friends this week and wondered out loud about what the alas "seeing Jesus face to face might be like". Of course we don't know for sure, but I just wonder. I imagine looking into His face (if I can get up off of the ground)........and there being no words. No words, just an intimate knowing. He looks into my eyes. I look into His beautiful, blazing eyes and there is a glorious, unspoken knowing.....''it was so hard and You were so gracious and kind to tell us it would be. I am so in awe to finally look into Your Face sweet Jesus."

Thank you.

Thank you God that you are so compassionate to us your creation, to us your children today.

You are so lovely. You are so kind.

Thank you.

There's more.

    © 2016.BuyTheField. 

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