My heart is tender as I write this morning. A long time friend is living holy moments between earthly life and death and everlasting life literally in these minutes. I'm just thinking about my friends. Sobered. Grieving. Thankful for friendship. We have no idea in the span of our lives whom the Lord will sovereignly allow us to intersect with. The intersection of my life with this family has been so rich. Such a gift to my heart, life and family. I am quiet with my friends this morning. I am so thankful they are together.
Bible book of Jeremiah, chapter 31, verse 3. Restoration is coming to the people of Israel. They are finding grace from God in the wilderness. And the Lord says...."I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness."
As I dug around into this particular word I was invigorated and resting in the rich heart of the Father. These are some of the meanings and connections for this word drawn....
-draw and lift out
-grasp and hold
-be long, extend a time
-long blast, make a long blast
-long, drawn out
-sow, scatter, stretch out
-connected with the idea of intimacy in a bed chamber
All these ideas running around inside of being drawn by His lovingkindness.
All these ideas running around inside of being drawn by Your lovingkindness.
In light of even that one, rich word, I'm hearing the loud whispers of what kind of relationship the Father longs for with me. With us. Jesus doesn't love me because I can ____________ (fill in the blank). He loves me because I'm His. I'm soberly celebrating that for my friend and his family this morning. He says He will marry us because He chooses to. He wants to.
His drawing me with lovingkindness is greater than anything I could ever do for Him. And you. So, let that be settled Damon. Be His.
Be His.
A living bride. Lifted out and grasped for a long drawn out loving of the living Christ.
Rest Scott. You have been grasped.
You are being drawn with lovingkindness.
You know this more than me.
There's more.