The next rooster crow.
This moment is so intimate. The kind you want to look away from because it's so intimate, but need to look at because it's our story of the powerful intimacy of God being born in us. This is the story of the Spirit's powerful, intimate work in the life of the author of the epistle of 1 Peter. The moments I'm mentioning here are divinely impacting the moments written on the page pictured above. I find this really encouraging today. Moments from earlier days of my life are impacting these moments now as I write. These moments of writing today will impact moments of holding a new grand baby. And those and these moments will continue a ripple effect into the days of new heaven and new earth. I know these keystrokes can't begin to convey or declare the depth of the magnitude of this thought, but there is a heavenly coaxing wooing me on to belief that it is real. Our story is Peter's story.
Jesus spent time with Peter. I don't want to skip over the obvious here, but I think it would be easy to miss it. Jesus spent time with Peter. He valued relationship with him. And us. Worth basking in. As they are spending time together, they are talking. Jesus values conversation with Peter. And us. Bask again. Jesus and Peter are sharing in this time of friendship and conversation and discipleship. It's seamless. Each of those things is present in the WITH of Jesus. And us. Keep basking. They are talking about how people are viewing Jesus and who they think He is and Peter is volleying back what he's hearing. And then Jesus looks at Peter. It's not longer about anybody else. He wants to know what Peter thinks about Him. And in the context of growing relationship, Peter declares the He is the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.
Rooster Crow.
Now swarmed in the guts of a swirling, sovereign murder plot, Peter and his friends are caught up in the outer drama of the movement towards the cross and their individual, inner drama of processing their hearts about the Messiah, their friend. And this is how Peter's plays out when asked if he's with Jesus. "I don't know or understand what you're talking about". He denied it. "I don't know this man you're talking about". I want to look away, but I'm drawn in by the familiarity. I know this place. "I'm with you Peter."
And Jesus says, "I know this place. I'm with you Damon."
The rooster crows. Peter remembers that he has relationship with Jesus. Jesus had taught him hard things while they were together. There is bitter weeping because of sweet communion. Both are real.
Jesus dies.
Bitter grief.
Jesus rises.
Ecstatic, confused elation.
Jesus visits those He loves.
Adrenaline story days.
Jesus seeks Peter out. And they talk. Jesus wants to talk to Peter. Don't miss this. He wants to be with him.
Thank you Jesus.
What was their post breakfast talk about? Friendship, conversation and discipleship.
Jesus ascends to heaven. And they wait.
Hard to even write words here. Such a vacancy......soon to be filled (sound of a mighty rushing wind here).
The Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit comes and......
Peter is proclaiming and declaring love for Jesus with profusely powerful words.
Such power! Not the power of Peter. The power of God pulsing in Peter's life words.
The next rooster crow.
New morning mercy.
There's more.