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Truth is, everything about this picture is hard. And beautiful. I miss Trey. I love Lea. I grieve for Anne. Today is Grannie's 80th birthday.

Don't be tricked. Anne's smile doesn't reveal the desperate hard that disease and sin batters her with. Dementia, death and sin are formidable in a life. We hope for moments of reversal. They don't often come. It seems that other-worldly is the only change. We ask Papa to be gracious. We keep asking. Anne Johnson and her late husband Jimmy, whom I've never met because of death, have forever impacted my life. They gave life to Lea Paige Johnson, born on November 2, 1967. I wasn't born yet. I was born 185 days after Lea. Before I was born, Anne and Jimmy were a life changing blessing to me. I honor Jesus for the life of Anne Johnson today on her 80th birthday.

Don't be tricked. Lea's beauty is more radiant than we could ever possibly take in. I've tried and I can't. The refining that is present on this very day in Lea's life as she cares for her mom moment by moment is one of the most holy and battering things I have ever witnessed. Honestly, Lea has been caring for her mom since Jimmy died. 33 years. This 80th birthday is more grieving and waiting than celebrating. I close my mouth and honor Christ in the extravagant, severe refining that I am witnessing in my best friend. I can't fathom it. It's too glorious. I read this morning from the bible book of Revelation, chapter 3, verse 18. Jesus says, "I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich." Lea is heeding the King's counsel. I see Lea receiving gold from Papa that has already been refined while she is being refined. From Him. From Papa. Coming from Him. THE source.

It's the purest.

It makes her achingly radiant.

Don't be tricked. That 18 year old has drunk deeply.

Bible book of Ecclesiastes, chapter 5, verse 2. "Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few."

There's more.

    © 2016.BuyTheField. 

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