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Sometimes Lea and I talk about not having language to convey what it is like to be in relationship with Trinity. We try, but it seems to fall short. I encounter the same thing as I take in the way the beauty of Christ informs Lea's beauty. I don't have language for it. I say similar things repeatedly, but find myself aching to be able to have new language to speak of how His and her beauty impact my heart.

Ibupth is new language of sorts. You can say it how you want to. It's a new word I made up this week as I prepared to teach my student friends on Sunday. I am living in a collection of weeks where I am pondering the abundance of God. I just really want to keep pondering it. He is immeasurably kind to me, powerful in me, beautiful in me, glorious in me. And you. This past Sunday, the "there's more" was more glory.

Glory. What is it? I felt the pull to dial up Piper or Phillips or Belva for some mastery on how to speak of what God's glory is. And though there was value in that pull, I asked for some new words and language about what glory is. I got ibupth. God's glory is the essence of who He is. So who is He? Ibupth.

Intimate Beauty.

Unrivaled Power.

Transforming Holiness.

Ibupth. Among so much more. Immeasurably more. That's that abundance thing.

Intimate beauty. This has been something that the Spirit has really been growing me in in the last several years, just beholding and basking in the beauty of Christ. He is so lovely. There is no-one, no thing like Him. Perhaps beauty stereotypically is more natural for a woman to speak of and notice along the way. I have this growing desire for me and my guy crew to grow more open and accustomed to speaking about and savoring the beauty of God. Intimate beauty. Beauty like no other. For me personally as I live prior to the new heaven and new earth, Lea's beauty is the benchmark beauty in my life. It is a ravaging beauty. It is that way because it is informed by the unfading, inner beauty of her Lord. And even as intense as her beauty is to my heart, it pales to the beauty of our beautiful Savior. Such intimate beauty. It's glorious. Part of the essence of who He is.

Unrivaled power. I kind of chuckle as I think about this. So many times, I think that I'm "all that" and then some. It's comical really. Our world is pretty snazzy. Our technology is truly amazing for sure. Nuclear power is a really strong, destructive power. Our facade of success looks glimmeringly powerful. And....Nothing rivals the power of God. There is nothing that even comes close. And for the most part, we're unaware of it. It's elusive. It's in many ways unseen and so disregarded. My pastor Gary illustrated this on Sunday. It's as if any person, any structure, any system, any marvel, is sitting in the palm of God's hand and all He does is the slightest blow and it is gone and done. No question. Do things rival God in my life? Yes. But ultimately is there really any rival that will stand? No. Such unrivaled power. It's glorious. Part of the essence of who He is.

Transforming holiness. The purest pure. The set apart, beautiful, perfect power of God making me like Him. Transforming holiness. The essence of who God is transforming the essence of who I am and making it powerfully, beautifully right. And you. Transforming holiness. We can't see the glory of who God is and not die. We do die. And become like Him. Such transforming holiness. It's glorious. Part of the essence of who God is.


Intimate Beauty.

Unrivaled Power.

Transforming Holiness.

I'm hungry for you Jesus. More glory. More.

There is more.

    © 2016.BuyTheField. 

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