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We need more, on purpose.

We're born paralyzed by sin. This is hard. I want to be born good. I want our children to have been born good. I want grandchildren to be born good. Bible book of Psalm, chapter 51, verse 5. We were sinful at birth, from the time we were conceived. We're needy from moment one. We need more, on purpose. Ultimately, we are paralyzed in sin on our own. We can't make life work on our own. We can fake ourselves out for a bit, but it's not enough. We can't conquer sin and evil on our own. It's too big and many times we're too friendly. So, we try to figure it out. Lawrence Crabb says, "Try to strategize your life and you'll die." But we try anyway.

Think of our world and us in it in theses days. We are so active. Politically, socially, educationally, economically, entertainingly, religiously. There are billions of people exerting themselves in every imaginable direction. Strategies, planning, steps, and ideas, but ultimately we can't touch our core problem of sin. Money can't. Sex can't. Food can't. Power can't. Science can't. Social justice can't. Social media can't. Simple kindness can't. These only offer temporary relief at best. We see a great movie. It's good. Nothing wrong with seeing it, but it subsides. We make money, spend it and it's gone. We read a novel and love it, but it ends. We watch TV, even binge watch a couple of seasons in a weekend, but it fades. We consume alcohol and we get foggier. We are moved by music, but it's not enough. Nothing is enough. ON PURPOSE. The world can't help us. It gives us a hug, but not soul care. Each time an activity in any of these realms is over, we need more, on purpose.

Bible book of Acts, chapter 3, the first 10 verses. A man who has been crippled from birth is carried day after day to the temple gate. He is set there as a "best solution" to at least try to receive alms from the passer bys. Fresh from the encounter of Holy Spirit power, Peter and John walk by the man. As they walk by the man, "Peter and John look straight at him." As the man locks eyes with them attentively, it seems that he expects to receive something from them. Peter tells him, "Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you." Well, if it's not money, then what will they offer? Invite him over for a weekend of The Jerusalem Bachelor binge watching?

What do they have? What do they offer? "In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk." They have so encountered the power of God that it is their life currency now. They offer the name of Jesus Christ and the power that resounds from it no matter the opinion of any human. Human opinion has no bearing on the power of God. But humans just want to start chipping away at divinity. In the bible book of John, chapter 1, verse 46 is an example. Jesus is noted as coming from Nazareth and Nathaniel pipes right up. "Can there be any good thing come from Nazareth?" It's as if Peter's declaration is saying, "The place that has nothing good gives us The One who is the only good and He cures hearts paralyzed by sin by the oozing goodness of His life." God is not bound by man or his whims or opinions.

Sometimes there is just this drive to want to be flashy or productive or edgy or have a great strategy. But it's not enough. On purpose. We need more. On purpose.

You and me need to hear it.....

In the name of Jesus Christ.....

There's more. He's it.

    © 2016.BuyTheField. 

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