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Hungry Together.

Hungry together and no earthly reason why it should work. Souls sling shotted out of the heart jolting of Jesus' death, resurrection and ascension were told to wait in Jerusalem for power from the Holy Spirit. "Wonder what that will be like?" I wonder what that waiting was like? The power comes. Violent wind sounds. Flaming tongues of fire flying around. Distinct languages firing off from mouths that wouldn't know the first syllable. It's happening. He's doing it.

The power of the Holy Spirit is doing what He said it would do. "And you will be My witnesses....from where you are to the ends of the earth." Witnesses. People will get to see your life speak about being enveloped by the power of God. That's worth some wondering today. Your life.....enveloped by the power of God.....and people will view it while you're living today.

Can Pentecost happen today? Meaning, today, November 14, 2018. Let's see. Holy Spirit poured out in the lives of people. People living in that power because the power is power enough. Nothing else is needed. And others will witness it, others will watch the power be poured out in the lives they are watching. So, yes. Today. Please Holy Spirit.

So, I'm not usually a numbers guy, but I think looking at some of the numbers is kind of cool here. There was the 12. Disciples. Jesus poured into them profusely. One killed himself in the midst of betrayal. Down to 11. Matthias was added. Back to 12. And all these next numbers are from various parts of the bible book of Acts. Chapter 1, verses 13 and 14, you've got more than twelve....some of the twelve and other disciples, Jesus' mom and brothers and some other women. Then in verse 15 we get another specific number from Peter....there's now 120. And the description of this growing group of 120 is that they were joining together constantly in prayer. Something is happening. Now chapter 2, the Holy Spirit is poured out and in verse 41 it says that 3000 were now added to the number. So now we're at 3120 at least. This is not a small number of people. One more. Verse 47 says the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. 3120 and counting.......3121, 3122, 3123.

So, if I'm not usually a numbers guy, what's the deal with the numbers today? Listen to these phrases scattered through chapter 2, verses 42 to 47.

They devoted themselves....

Everyone was filled with awe....

All the believers were together....

And had everything in common....

Everyday they continued to meet together....

They ate together with glad and sincere hearts....

And the Lord kept adding to their number daily....

3124, 3125, 3126, 3127.....

So here's what's so intense and amazing about this to me. Have you really ever heard of many groups of 3127 people who were devoted together?

How can this be happening? This isn't just the disciples and apostles and family that are devoted together. We're way past that number. We're spreading into many who had come from multiple different countries that are making up this growing number of devoted disciples.

Be real. For a group this size there are.....

Too many histories...

Too many unique personalities...

Too many economic classes...

Too many religious backgrounds...

Too many national feuds...

Too many family feuds...

Too many doubters...

Too many diseases...

Too many questions...

Too many sinners...

Too many variables...

There's too many variables.


HE'S DOING IT! He's doing what He said. He's pouring out on them. He's pouring out in them. He's pouring out through them. They are being formed into the body of Christ right then. They are HUNGRY TOGETHER because He's doing it. They are devoted together because He's doing it. Hungry together and no earthly reason why it should work. Wind words are blowing from eternity.

A group of people doused by the Holy Spirit who haven't always been together, coming together and living together hungry for God in an ongoing way......


There's more.

    © 2016.BuyTheField. 

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