This may just be for the processing of my own heart.
God has always known Lea. Somehow, even though God is not bound by space and time, God waits. I don't how else to say that about Someone who is not bound by time, but He waited until 1967 to sow her life into ours. Into mine. Into our sons. Into our new daughters. The growth of her beauty is staggering, expansive, intoxicating.
How can this beauty be so powerful, so radiant?
It is otherworldly. It is glory-infused beauty.
No earthly words will suffice. Only the King's words will do. The King spoke about Lea, is speaking about Lea and the King will speak to her, ongoing. This is what He is saying.
The King is enthralled with her beauty (Psalm 45:11). She needs nothing from here for expansive beauty. Her Lover's glory and gaze has lit her up forever. He is enthralled by her. She needs no other approval. He beholds Himself in her. A beauty that is enthralled.
The King has deposited the glory of His unfading beauty in her inner woman (1 Peter 3:4). She doesn't supply it. It is bestowed and cultivated. She is involved at His invitation to tend what He has lavishly gifted her with. A beauty that is unfading.
The King is increasing her glorious beauty now and it WILL. NOT. STOP (2 Corinthians 3:18). It's not only unfading, but it is ever-increasing. How can this be? It is ever-increasing because it comes from the King. It's from Him. She's not generating it. She's just tending it. A glorious beauty that is ever-increasing.
Enthralled, unfading, ever-increasing beauty. That's what I'm beholding.
Her at 51.
I am undone.
Can there possibly be more?
There's more.