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Small Beginnings.

Bible book of Zechariah, chapter 4, verse 10. "Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand." Zerubbabel is looking at a massive pile of rock from the destroyed temple. Massive destruction. He is one man with a plumb line in his hand. Where do you even start? Do you even start? Such a massive undertaking. Maybe you just chuck it and forget it. It's too big, too much. But how beautiful is this. "The Word of the Lord came to Z". Ahhhh. That's beautiful. He gets words from God and then we get them too! GOD speaks into Zerubbabel, "Don't despise these small beginnings." Pick up one small rock with your plumb line and begin. God speaks this to Zerubbabel. How kind. Maybe He is speaking this to you too.

It's rampant really. All around. Here is a quick smattering.

*These are the words from Patrick from the 5th century. "My name is Patrick, and for sixty years I have, with many labors, joys, and tears, proclaimed the Name of Jesus in these parts, although I know within my heart of hearts I am a most uncultivated man, the least of all the faithful in this land, and looked upon with scorn by many. I have sought with all my strength the Lord on high to serve, not seeking status, wealth, or fame, but just the celebration of the Name of Him Who looked on me with mercy when I was an ingrate, and the slave of men." High School drop out. Sold into slaver in Ireland when he was sixteen. Used by God to fan the flames of Celtic revival that lasted nearly FOUR HUNDRED years. God in small Patrick.

What small beginning is God beginning in you today for His Glory?

*Jesus and the disciples encounter thousands of people who need to be fed (John 6). Andrew says, “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” It goes all the way with an abundance left over. God in a small meal.

What small beginning is God beginning in you today for His Glory?

*Jesus tells a story about what His kingdom is like (Matthew 13). "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches." A tiny little fleck to a glorious song bird haven. God in a small seed.

What small beginning is God beginning in you today for His Glory?

*Mary of Bethany is at a gathering in a home where Jesus is. She pours a very expensive jar of ointment on Jesus' head (Matthew 26). Those around mock her and declare her act a waste. One woman, ignoring mockers, worshipping her Savior. Jesus declares in the presence of this woman and her mockers that wherever this gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will also be told in memory of her. "In memory of her," Jesus says. God in one Mary.

What small beginning is God beginning in you today for His Glory?

I find that it's really hard to imagine that something beginning today in me could have an impact 1500 years from now....or next week. And then there's God in me and God in you. What small beginning is God beginning in you today for His Glory?

I'll close with words that I wrote in 2010 about Mary and about Jesus.

feb. 23, 2010 be small. be small. a woman came with a jar of very expensive perfume made of pure nard and poured it over His head. some said it was a waste. He said, "she has done a beautiful thing to me. she did what she could." be small. deeply distressed. troubled. soul overwhelmed. sorrow to the point of death. stay here and keep watch. He fell on the ground and prayed. Daddy, everything is possible for You. take this cup from Me. yet not what I will, but what You will. be small. the high priest stood up and asked Him, "are You not going to answer? what is this testimony that these men are bringing against You?" but He remained silent and gave no answer. the Word, not needing to speak words. be small. pilate asked Him, "aren't You going to answer? see how many things they are accusing You of?" but He still made no reply and pilate was amazed. be small. i must decrease. He must increase. He did not come to be served, but to serve. spit on. blindfolded. struck with fists. mocked. beat. crowned with thorns. nailed. pierced. mocked. teased. killed. be small. but made Himself nothing. it's all so big.

There's more.

    © 2016.BuyTheField. 

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