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Better Hope.

I love when this happens. I'm sitting in the midst of a group of friends. We're learning about living life together. We're learning about holy relating from Jesus. In the week prior to our gathering, I sense God's Spirit nudging me towards some notes that I had written down years ago, notes about some thoughts from my mentor Larry. So, back to our gathering. Towards the end of our time I am sharing these thoughts and I notice two of my friends in the room literally about to fall over each other they are so riled up by what I'm saying. I ask if they wanted to say something and they said, no just keep going and we'll fill you in. And as I continue on they continue to look astonished and affected by what is happening. So I finish and I come back to them and inquire again about what is happening in them and they share with strong passion that the things that I have been sharing about for the last 10 minutes (that I wrote out for the first time probably a decade ago remember...) are some of the same things, literally word for word that one of them had courageously written out during the weekend prior to our gathering. She then proceeded to read with conviction, passion and brokenness from the words that she had crafted with the Lord on an Advent retreat just days before. It was a moment. It was a deeply encouraging moment. God is in the heavens and He does what He pleases. He's at work in billions of hearts all in the same gigo-second. That's strong. That's other-worldly right here on our dirt.

And so, maybe a little anti-climactic after the description of the cool moment, here are the things that crossed over for us in that moment. What do I ultimately pursue: A better life or a better hope?

A better life?

Do what you should and you get what you want. This is deadly appealing. That "should" is slippery evil. That "should" is tricky predictable. That "should" is devilishly appealing. Of course, a moral God will always reward good behavior, right? Job probably has some thoughts about that. What I like is an orderly world that I can effectively use. What is that meant to mean? It means, I am in control. And I like that. There is an "A" that leads to a "B". Figure out what "A" is and do it and you'll get "B" every time....the better life that you want. This is a path towards trying to make life work for ourselves. But here's what's tricky about that. I can't pull that off all the time. Living life always trying to figure out what the "A" is , is exhausting. It creates pressure. A life of pressure. Are you aware of any kind of pressure like that in you? Hmmmm.

A better hope?

God plants desire in you to value Him over His blessings. Value His presence over stuff. Value first things over second things. And you're invited to live messily and mysteriously in that desire. Messily and Mysteriously! Sounds great huh? Not so much. No wonder we wouldn't choose it on our own. That's why He plants it in us. Somehow He equips us for messy and mysterious. That's not saying that we love it so much all the time. Somehow we are aware that we are hemmed in to staying in the messy and the mysterious and not running like hell instead of being in the messy mystery. And what happens? It takes me out of control. Oooo. Easy boy, careful. And it gives me freedom from always having to find the "A". Rest from finding the "A". I've been found already. Intriguing. Exhilarating even. A life of messy mystery that is hopeful. Hmmmmm.

Ok. So what about God's Words. Is any of this even in there? Yes. We hear whispers of it in the bible book of Hebrews chapter 7 and verse 19. "A better hope is introduced, by which we draw near to God." Yes. I'm intrigued. The invitation to intimacy and nearness to God rather than constantly trolling pressure. I'm interested. I'm curious.

A better life? A better hope?

Is this really real? Or is this just wishful hype?

I heard how real it is in the words of my friend, sitting in my living room last Monday.

Real close.

There's more.

    © 2016.BuyTheField. 

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