Unfailing Currency.
I spent some time this week thinking about currency. The first thing that comes to my mind is certainly American dollar bills or British pounds or now, the Korean won, whatever the money system is for a particular country. But the idea of currency that I have been thinking about is the "things that a culture is moved by". What are the things that are THE dominant shapers of movement and meaning in a culture, in a nation, in our world, and ultimately in our heart. So yes, money is certainly one of those shapers. What are other currencies that seem to be the primary shapers of our living in this world? I listed a few on a page this week. Power. Religion. Hatred. Ambition. Excellence. Nonchalance (a different one but worth thinking about).
These are really significant things that are moving and shaping the reality of life as we know it and in many instances, we aren't really fully knowing it. It's kind of like turning on a computer. As I interact with my computer screen I am aware of using this Wix webpage or Word or Pages or Safari, but I am not really at all focussed on OS X Yosemite or Windows 10. They are running in the background and making Safari or Word able to be viewed and used, though I am not actually seeing the operating system. It's moving me around in my program of need or choice, but is not highlighting itself as the actual thing being used. I don't wake most days aware of a pull towards power and control, hunger for money, a drive towards excellence at any cost or any of these things that are the currencies of how life is shaped and moved, BUT IT IS HAPPENING ANYWAY.
What are the currencies that you and I primarily operate from? Maybe your list is different than the typical world market. I continued to think this week. What is the result of most of these currencies that seem to be what move and shape the world, including you and I at times? The answer is telling about the state of our cultures. No guarantees. Empty. Burned. Disillusioned. Stressed. Tired. Failure over the long haul. They may promise a distracting momentary gain, but they eventually fall flat and fail miserably.
So what currency is different? What currency doesn't end up failing and miserable? The Word of God. His Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light on our path. I love the response that is happening potentially in hearts all over the world as you read those last words about the Word of God. Perhaps a response of....."predictable for someone like Damon to say that" or "yeah, yeah, sure, the Word of God, blah, blah, blah, heard it a billion times". Holy Spirit, let it cascade over us anew or for the very first time right this very second....I AM DESPERATE TO BE SHAPED AND MOVED BY YOUR WORD, O LORD!
Renew or begin anew a deep, burning hunger for the ONLY UNFAILING CURRENCY! The Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.
What if the dominant currency.....
of nations of the world,
of leaders of nations,
of governments,
of cities and towns,
of entertainment,
of vocations,
of churches,
of pastors,
of families,
of marriages,
of parents,
of children,
of your heart
and my heart,
was the living and active Word of God? What is my stance and current connection to God's Word? How might the intersection of you reading this in this moment and your movement toward God and His Word be affected? What are the currencies that you and I need to name and reject that are destroying our souls? What would it look like for you and I to be desperate for God's word? Really desperate?
The Bible book of Isaiah, chapter 40 and verse 8 says, "The grass withers and the flower fades, but the Word of our God stands forever". The unfailing currency that has the power to move and shape us into dwellers in the Kingdom of God.
Pour it on us Lord.
Drench us in longing for You and Your word.
Forgive me for settling for so much less.
Like an IV running into my soul veins.....feed me.
There's more.