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Former lead singer of the rock group Kansas of “Dust in the Wind” fame, John Elefante released some music years back that speak of his walk with God. The first track on one of those albums croons “Take me down the corridors that lead me to the cross…” It is a song that I am drawn to periodically, but especially as I walk through the season of Lent towards the cross of Jesus at Easter.

Later in that song “Corridors”, he sings, “Regardless of how I feel, it’s your word I will rely on, cause the road is ever narrow, so I’ll heed to your command.” My heart is drawn to this like a kicking and screaming balm. The kicking and screaming is that I want to supply what I know (ok, what I think) I need (ok,what I want) and the balm is that deep in the guts of Damon I know His Word is reliable and that I AM ACTUALLY HUNGRY FOR HIM IN HIS WORD. When I can stop beating myself to a pulp about what a lousy child of God I am, I really know that this is what I want more than the cess pool of bilge that is available within me and without me. This is called growth.

And so in this season of Lent, I simply, but demonstratively want to rely on His Word. You do to. I’m telling you that you do (smiley face). So let’s rely on His Word from the bible book of Psalm chapter 63.

Not that anyone has said that they are, but what if we were trying to sum up where we feel like this narrow road of blessing God and loving the world leaves us pretty regularly...what would we say? Well, of the billions of things that we could say….one that rises in me is that we are left...depending on God. Is there a part of us that doesn’t want that to be our summary spot? Do we want it to be flashier? Do we not want to have to be dependent? Yes and no are heard here and this is where we want to be even if we’re confused along the way. We want to be depending on God for….our next breath, our next everything.

So back to the bible book of Psalm chapter 63. What does this God dependence look like? It looks like….

*Dry lips dependence

From verse 1...O God you are my God, I’m really seeking You. My soul thirsts for you in a dry and weary land where there is no water.

*Glory eyes dependence

From verse 2...I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory.

*Glory lips dependence

From verse 3... Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify You!

*Lifted hands dependence

From verse 4...I will praise you as long as I live and in your name I will lift up my hands.

*Satisfied soul dependence

From verse 5...My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods.

*Singing lips dependence

From verse 5...With singing lips my mouth will praise You.

*Remembering/Thinking mind dependence

From verse 6...On my bed I remember you, I think of you through the watches of the night.

*Clinging soul dependence

From verse 8...My soul clings to You, Your right hand upholds me.

Dry lips, glory eyes, glory lips, lifted hands, satisfied soul, singing lips, remembering mind, thinking mind, clinging soul. All of who we are and what we are like...depending on our Lover, our Savior. We want this.

I close with a prayer from the Seek God for the City 2017 Lenten daily prayers from March 6th of last week.

“Things of this world seem so desirable, almost drinkable, like a glimmering mirage in a desert. But eventually such illusions are always disappointing. We have tasted only sand. We still thirst with a deep down loneliness. This thirst at the center of our soul is a yearning for You. And so we come to You to drink deeply. Nothing else will really satisfy. Being loved by you is far better than anything we might experience in life. We now make a choice: We will seek You. Early, often, and daily we will seek Your face.”

May it be so.

There’s more.

    © 2016.BuyTheField. 

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