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The Uniquelys.

You uniquely living your life “where you are” can advance God’s kingdom. And we want it to advance. We want to take back territory that the enemy has taken. It’s tempting to think...ok if you’re talking on that scale...I’m not able to make that kind of significant impact….those stakes are too high. The stakes are really high, but amazingly this is part of how God moves and works for His kingdom to advance…He uses us Christ followers living our lives right where we are to love a lost world and to frustrate His enemy the devil while we’re living.

What is God thinking? There has to be a better, more efficient plan than using you and me. I mean I know what my interior world is like when I'm brave enough or crazy enough or intoxicated with God enough to take a look inside. Doesn't seem like a lot of kingdom advancing material. God actually says, "Perfect Kingdom Advancing material. Messy and Millions of them." That's a big part of His plan. Go figure. I'm stunned and intrigued if it's true. So let's flesh it out a little bit.

You and I are living our lives. We do it everyday. And while that's going on, we're.....

UNIQUELY CALLED. Bible book of Ephesians chapter 4 verse 1, "As a prisoner for the Lord (you want to be captive to Him, get over it), then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received." A calling. Specific purposes that He is helping you to realize are yours to live out, messy and majestic. Millions of needy men and women living their called life where they are. Brilliant plan God!

UNIQUELY GIFTED. Bible book of First Peter chapter 4 verse 10, "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others." Gifts given from God expressed through you for serving others around you. Millions of needy men and women living their God gifted life where they are. Brilliant plan God!

UNIQUELY PLACED. Bible book of Acts chapter 17 verse 26, "...and God determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live." Your location placement isn't random. It's on purpose. Millions of needy men and women living their life where God has placed them. Brilliant plan God!

And then notice the continued brilliance. Multiplication of the uniquely called, gifted and placed people becomes a UNIQUE COMMUNITY! A community, a uniquely called, gifted, placed remnant of Christ followers living their lives where they are (pin in your city on the map!) blessing God, loving the lost world and each other, and frustrating the hell out of the devil.

So brilliant. God you are amazing. I could have never come up with this. You are kind and cunning. I love you. Thank you for loving me this much that you picked me for your team.

Team needy.

Team called.

Team gifted.

Team placed.

So unique. Nothing else like it.

There's more.

    © 2016.BuyTheField. 

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