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This man.

This man in the middle. Turned 16 a couple days ago. He has impacted my life dramatically (these other two as well).

Knoxville has been home to Lea and I for 21 of the last 26 years. Even though I grew up in Charlotte, Knoxville is home. Those two in the background were born here as Lea and I began our strategic team here in Knoxville in 1990. Life changing.

In 1998, the Holy Spirit wooed us to the Big D, Dallas, Texas. A gift of struggle. Dallas was hard. It felt like a desert time for Lea and I. We were confronted with a difficult church environment, a different grid of what was valued and sad church politics. There were sweet, intermingled gifts to be sure. Names like Lindsay, Robert, Bekah and Miles. Life long, life enhancing friendship with hearts like Rachel and David.

Those two background brothers in the picture above started telling Lea and I and God that they wanted a baby brother. Really talking about. Really praying about it. Regularly. A lot. God heard.

January 3, 2001. Born in the midst of struggle, learning and God shaping in the desert. Born in Big D. Dallas, TX. Damon Trey Kelly. Desert Fruit. Sweet fruit. Life changing fruit.

He drove by himself for the first time yesterday. He did really well. He loved it.

Lea and I are aware that things are changing. We are arriving at a bitter/sweet intersection. Baby Trey is manning up. Handsome. Creative. Tenacious. Needy.

My son. This man. I love him.

There's more.

    © 2016.BuyTheField. 

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