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Watching and Waiting for birth.

Advent is the season of preparation, watching and waiting. Specifically preparing for, watching for, waiting for the arrival of Jesus. Jesus' birth and arrival was an act of war (more on that next week). Therefore waiting on Him to arrive wreaks of bloody war as well.

Ok, drama alert, Damon is in one of his "drama moods" where he talks about battle and stuff. This is way over exaggerating. Waiting is a very quiet, passive activity. Certainly not even close to meriting battle imagery and talk. Waiting for a McRib at McD's is about the extent of it. Even Christmas post office line can't conjure up enough real energy to equate waiting with warfare. Waiting. Irritating and inconvenient to be sure. But intense enough to require war words, we think not.

But if you're waiting for something that, upon it's arrival, can make everything new, all Hell rages to oppose, drug and destroy you from it's invasion. And we're not even aware.

If something were that intensely good that the whole of evil stood on it's axis to say "heaven no, hell yes", I would say it's worth paying attention to and that's the pretty simple invitation of these particular words and all of these "buy the field" words actually.

If there wasn't some battle in the waiting for something that good, I actually think that I would be let down and disappointed. I kind of want it to be so worth what I'm waiting for that there is that kind of war going on to keep it from happening.

The war in the heavenly realm primarily takes place in the hearts of women and men. I can't prove that. It's just what I think.

And so, here's to bloody waiting. Weary and hopeful all at once.

There's more.

    © 2016.BuyTheField. 

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