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Jesus and His disciples are living life. They are taking it all in together! In the bible book of John chapter 6 verses 1 through 15 we come upon a moment when they encounter a large crowd of people who apparently are ready for a meal! It seems that there were more than 5000 people gathered in this oversized picnic spot. Many people were gathering in the area for a special yearly festival tradition.

A guy named Philip was among those hanging around Jesus and interestingly Jesus asks him as they stared at the huge crowd how he thought they would provide food for all of them. All at the same moment, Jesus was actually testing Philip because He already knew what He was going to do. Is Jesus cruel? Is he toying with Philip? Is he toying with you?

Philip answers just like I think we would...."It would take A LOT of money to pay for this picnic. I'm not seeing how this works out." Before we rush away from this moment....I wonder why Jesus asks Philip in the first place if He already knew what He was going to do? I think this is really powerful and beautiful. He wasn't looking to shame Philip for not being a brilliant picnic chef. Don't miss this! He wanted to INVOLVE Philip in His story. He wanted Philip.

Jesus can do it all without us. But He wants us. He wants to involve us in His story. I love it. Are you aware of ways that God is currently specifically wanting to involve you in His story? That's a real question to ponder, not just cute blog words. If you are not aware of anything, don't beat yourself up. Ask God to involve you in His story. If you don't always know what God is doing He doesn't label you an idiot and cast you away. He is allowing you and I to be learners. That is tender, not callous.

So back to world's largest picnic. Another follower of Jesus named Andrew weighs in. "Hey, I found this little boy who has a value meal...5 small loaves of bread and two small fish, but I don't know how far it will go with so many people." Brilliant deduction! Are you kidding me? You're looking at more than 5000 picnickers and you're actually asking this question? Ok, you really are an don't even mention this. It makes no logical sense unless.....unless....unless....

....unless you've been invited to be a learner of Jesus and His heart and your faith muscles are starting to stretch and grow and you actually are starting to believe....starting to believe....STARTING TO BELIEVE THAT JESUS BEING PRESENT MAKES SOME KIND OF DIFFERENCE. Reread these lines. They're worth pondering. What happens as you read them? Feel like you've been burned and you're not going there? Feel hope stir in you because your faith muscles are being stretched and you're intrigued?

God moves in the midst of Andrew's faith. He did. Andrew stepped out, risked the disappointment of being an out loud fool and God met him and all the other picnickers in abundant provision. This huge gathering went from no food at all to a value meal of small bread and fish to what verse 11 tells us. Everyone at the picnic that was seated GOT AS MUCH AS THEY WANTED! Are you kidding me again? Now the picnic has turned into a buffet? All you can eat? Yep. All they wanted. And there was even 12 baskets full left over....over the top abundant. All you want. More than you want.

God is abundant. He gave it all.

ABUNDANCE. God multiplying even small amounts always ends up being more. Thanks be to God.


These next words feel extra cool today.

There's more.

    © 2016.BuyTheField. 

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