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I've read this book twice in the last two weeks. That's a bit unusual for me. I read it once and sent it in the mail to one of my best friends and then read it again and marked my copy up so that I would remember things that God was highlighting for me as I read. I commend this book to you as well. Lea and I heard Nick Hall speak in the fall of last year at a college shepherd's summit and I enjoyed hearing the passion of Jesus in Nick Hall. He is an evangelist who deeply cares about this generation of students and young adults. He is leading an event called TOGETHER 2016 in just about 10 days from now where he and his PULSE team have been praying for a million people to gather and worship Jesus on the National Mall in Washington DC. He describes his influences as Jesus and Billy Graham. His story is really special. He talks about it some in RESET. It's worth reading. His idea of RESET is that that is what Jesus offers us. Much like an electronic gone bad or corrupted and in need of a "factory reset", Jesus is the only one who can give us a new beginning. Really, actually new. Not easy, not without loss, but certainly, mysteriously....NEW. I need that. Always have. Always will until new heaven and new earth.

As I have been reading RESET I was drawn to a few ideas that I simply leave with you today. Nick Hall writes, "While it might sound simplistic, your faith is entirely dependent on Jesus. It's not about fixing yourself. It's not about you figuring it all out. It's not about you being good enough. Faith is simply about turning to Jesus." I realize that I many times just don't want to turn to Jesus. I just don't. It's not practical, easy, and doesn't always make a lot of sense, but then I think about the shambles that my heart sometimes ends up in....Why won't I turn to Jesus. Turn to Jesus Damon. Turn to Jesus.

I like these 3 R's that Nick Hall shares in RESET (and I'll add a thought or two after each one...)

Review the Evidence: How has God been faithful to you? Think of stories that highlight God's glory in your life.

Renew the Awe: God is to be respected with amazement and love for His power and deliberate kindness to reset our lives. Truly amazing!

Reaffirm your Trust: Take God at His word and GO AFTER HIM with reckless abandon. Ask God to do miracles in your life!

Review, Renew, Reaffirm.....RESET. I like these words.

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    © 2016.BuyTheField. 

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