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What would Jesus say He even came to the earth for? Many times we don't fully sense that Jesus speaks clearly about whatever it is that we might be curious about. Thankfully He actually said what His mission and purpose was in the Bible book of Luke chapter 4, verses 18 and 19. The really cool thing, and quite mysterious all at once, is that the same words were spoken about Jesus in the Bible book of Isaiah chapter 61 almost 700 years before Jesus was actually on the earth. Though hard to fully grasp, this affects me even in just how thorough God is and has been. He hasn't been making any quick, knee jerk decisions. All of His decisions have come from an eternity of knowing.

So what did He say He came for? Freedom for captives. Sight for the blind. Release for the oppressed.

I declare strongly that the greatest reality of these is captive hearts, blind hearts, and oppressed hearts in the grip of sin and the devil.

Captive to sin: Romans 6:23 says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

Blindness of unbelief: 2 Cor. 4:4 says, " Satan has blinded the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel."

Oppression of Satan: 2 Timothy 2:26 talks about being, " trapped by the devil to do his will."


*Freedom for captives!

Alcohol, drugs, food/gluttony , sex, pornography, body image, tongue, technology, reputation, comfort, entertainment.

Blunt, worthwhile question….What are you captive to? What am I captive to that I am not aware of Lord? Please show me.

O God I pray freedom from captivity for everyone reading these words and the things that we are captive to and I pray that we would be captivated by you, your strength, your beauty, your goodness.

*Sight for blindness!

We are meant to see! This includes physical healing of all kinds and hearts coming to life through encountering Jesus Christ!

O God I pray for sight to be recovered , bring physical healing over things seen and known and over things not seen and not known and also restore sight to see the gift of delighting in you, that you would be what we are gazing at once again or for the very first time.

*Release for the oppressed!

Oppression in so many forms. Orphans, broken relationships, abuse, sex trafficking, mental instability, government tyranny, legalistic religion, physical challenges, broken/confused hearts, in bondage to sin and the devil…

Oppression is CRUSHED and OBLITERATED in the name of Jesus. That's our only hope.

O God I pray that you would crush every form of oppression represented by any reader of these words. Break every chain, break every chain...There is power in your name Jesus to break every chain of oppression in our hearts and lives. We ask you to do it even though we don’t fully know what that entails. Please don’t leave us alone….

Imagine this. NO MORE! No more captivity, No more blindness, No more oppression. NO MORE! To Hell with the Devil! NO MORE!

The Bible book of Revelation chapter 21 verse 4 says these amazing words. "He (Jesus) will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be NO MORE death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. He (Jesus) who is seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!”

Do it Jesus! Do it Jesus. We need you to do it. Make everything new! Make us new!

Thanks Be To God!

There's more!

    © 2016.BuyTheField. 

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