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Not in this house!

I miss our KCK friends while some of them are away for the summer. I remember this night (picture above) just about a month ago today. Our final BASIC of the year and a sweet celebration of worship and seniors and all that God has been up to in our midst. Imagine driving up to the back of KCK and finding that where this peaceful, special night was held was now filled with school loan collectors sitting at all these tables saying that everyone's school loans had to be paid in full on the spot. You couldn't go into KCK without paying your loans off. (I sat here trying to think of something that would cause at least a little displeasure). AND THEN IMAGINE Sam and Jeanie coming out of the back of the church with big axes in their hands and they start smashing up the tables and telling the loan officers to get out and saying things like "Not in this house!" and "How dare you do this before our friends even got to have their Korean BarBQ!" (It's kind of amusing to really picture Sam and Jeanie doing that.)

In the Bible book of John chapter 2 verses 12-22, there was a similar scene at the temple as Jesus walked up. The exact space that was set up as a peaceful place to enter into the church temple was filled with chaotic selling and pestering. And Jesus said..."How dare you turn my Father's house into a market!" And He took the time to make a whip out of strands of leather and He drove them all out of the area and overturned their tables of distraction. Pretty intense.

Jesus was really passionate about the space that was set apart as a space to meet with God. And what I am struck with as we are all dispersed in different places over the summer, is that one of the main "meeting places" for God is our very life, our heart. And He is VERY passionate about protecting the space of your heart as a meeting place with Him. Protect it with Him. Participate WITH Him in your heart being a set apart place to meet with God.

It's been a month since most of us parted ways. How is your heart? Do you have a sense that God is passionate to spend time with you in your heart. Even though the thought of Sam and Jeanie with axes is kind of amusing (and a little frightening), NO ONE is fighting for your heart like Jesus is.

There's more.

    © 2016.BuyTheField. 

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