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Wine and dancing with Jesus

I mean, this story is in there. John 2:1-11. Jesus goes to a wedding. He is intricately involved in turning hundreds of gallons of dirty water into choice wine, seemingly in utter, intimate care of the wedding couple and family being saved from "no more wine" humiliation. Even though it's right on the pages of God words, I don't think that I normally think about Jesus in "party" or celebration mode. I'm not sure why really, but I just don't think that is a normal picture that we have of Jesus. Enjoying himself at a wedding party, and a Jewish wedding apparently was a party!

The last book of the Bible mentions the phrase "marriage supper of the Lamb" (Revelation 19:9). Who is getting married? The Lamb! Look the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29). It's Jesus. Who is He marrying? Us redeemed sinners (He takes away our sin so that we can marry Him! Incredible!). Silent pause. Wow. Jesus is marrying me. But He can't. Yes He can. Yes He will. But I'm too.....Yes He can and Yes He will. It's His choice. What is it like to know that He wants you? Oooooo....that kind of sounds creepy and romantic even. Yes. The rawest love story ever. And you get to be a part of it. You WANT to be at that supper. You DON'T want to miss that supper, that party.

I love these words from Steven James about that wedding supper....

"dancing groom of the ages,

frolicking God awaiting His bride,

the wedding has just ended,

the party has just begun.

as your hopeful, blushing bride

i accept your hand and step with you

into the heart of the music...."

I'm intrigued by a "frolicking God". Here's to us all practicing being hopeful, blushing brides. Yes even us boys. We will marry Jesus. He will marry us. There is no other story like this. Jesus could have been thinking about you at that wedding.

There's more.

    © 2016.BuyTheField. 

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